About us
And Project organisation
In the ULTIMATE project 27 partners from 11 countries collaborate on the symbiosis to turn wastewater into a resource. The project comprises a strong partnership of water companies, industrial stakeholders, specialised SMEs, applied research institutes, technology platforms, cities, and regional authorities. It is led and coordinated by Dutch water cycle research institute, KWR.
Project organisation
We have a simple but efficient management structure as shown below:

The project, led by KWR, has a management team to deal with administrative, financial and contractual matters. The team includes officers in charge of administration, innovation & IPR, quality control, risks, and ethics.
External Advisory Board
The Project Advisory Board (PAB) comprises high-level international experts from different backgrounds and perspectives relating to our project’s field. These experts provide extra quality control and advice, they validate the project vision and ensure broader impact and outreach via their own networks.
ULTIMATE Coordinator
Dr. Gerard van den Berg
- KWR Water Research Institute
- gerard.van.den.berg[at]kwrwater.nl
- +31 30 606 9549
ULTIMATE Communication Manager
Dr. Kristine Jung
- European Science Communication Institute
- kj[at]esci.eu
- +49 159 0450 2204