What is Immersive Media?

What are ...

Immersive media (IMX) is digital media that immerses the user in an interactive and realistic environment to provide a more complete and engaging experience. Immersive media comes in different forms: Virtual reality (VR), Augmented reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR), and are all commonly referred to as eXtended Reality (XR). With immersive media, you can deliver cutting-edge content and interactive experiences. XR experiences today a´can be found in many dicerse fields and industries, for example Marketing, Retail, Healthcare, Education, Art & Entertainment, and Automotive.

Which are the ULTIMATE IMX?


L'acqua per Tutti




Ultimate Life of Water

Check out all the creative ULTIMATE Immersive Media Experience!

How does IMX support Stakeholders?


The ULTIMATE IMX installations are part of our stakeholder activities and are established close to our case studies, where we want to engage with as many stakeholders as possible. In the ULTIMATE project we have 3 design installations: in Italy, Denmark and the Netherlands.

Further information & Contact

If you would like more information about the ULTIMATE IMX, please reach out to

Andrew Perkis