Water smart industrial symbiosis
ULTIMATE aims to create economic value and increase sustainability by valorising resources within the water cycle.
Wastewater plays a key role both as a reusable resource but also as a carrier for energy and materials to be extracted, treated, stored and reused within a dynamic socio-economic and business oriented industrial ecosystem.

Reuse wastewater

Exploit energy

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Marketplace and Technology Evidence Base (TEB) for Circular Economy
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New article published in the Horizon Magazine
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New open-access paper published by WWEELab Research Group – Università Politecnica delle Marche team
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Water resilience with EU projects
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Making Waves – Immersive stakeholder engagement for sustainable societies: the water-smart cities example
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Stakeholder engagement is key for societal impact of EU-funded inter- and trans-disciplinary research projects
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New app Water-kennis allows users to interactively raise their water awareness
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9 demosites
ULTIMATE will implement Water Smart Industrial Symbiosis in nine large-scale business cases from the international agro-food, petrochemical and biotech sector.

Implementing the Innovation
Building a support system in practice. Scale impact, create sustainable strategies and actionable goals through innovation, capacity development, and market outreach

Integration and Peer Knowledge
Learning with peers and experts
Involving domain-specific stakeholders and experts with various hands-on experiences

Play & Community Engagement
Learning by doing and reflection
Involving local communities and general public to co-innovate by allowing them to
reflect on the processes and finding new solutions to challenges

Multi-use Playspaces
Learning beyond
Formulating human-centered approaches, methodologies, tools, and interventions to guide and motivate people to do things, disseminate, use and re-use information in a new way