Ultimate young professionnals
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The ULTIMATE Young Professionals group is aiming to convene young professionals, like PhDs, postdocs and early careers – who are actively contributing to ULTIMATE. The aim is to bring about added value of being a part of the project through networking and other activities, e.g. meetings, blogs, etc.

- Learning & Skills Building
- Meeting Preparations & Implementation
- Expertise Database for Collaboration
- Young Professionals Bios
- LinkedIn Group for Sharing
Key Topic Areas for Collaboration
Where did Young Professionnals identify areas to work on as a group?
- Support each other in managing priorities
- Share knowledge between individual domains
- Support for understanding several fields i.e. regulation, technical items
- Networking internally and externally
- How to write EU project proposals
- Skills sharing
- Communications & pitching skills
- Use of research and social media tools
- Advise in balancing between the project and PhD
EU Sister Projects – Connecting Young Professionals!
- Circular Economy Projects
- ULTIMATE, B-WaterSmart, Water Mining, REWAISE, and WIDERUPTAKE
- Connecting Young Professionals and Project Groups
- Identify synergies and develop an agenda for the next years
- Facilitate the exchange among the young water professionals
- Give them the opportunity to present their current research to and todiscuss with more experienced scientists in that field (inside or uutside our consortia)
- Organise helpful workshops, e.g. on publishing scientific results, application of certain methodological approaches, etc.