Special Issue on “Entropy and Industrial Symbiosis”


There is the Special Issue “Entropy and Industrial symbiosis of the Entropy MDPI journal! Georgios Karakatsanis from EVOTROPIA Ecological Finance Architectures and Christos Makropoulos from our project partner National Technical University of Athens are the Guest Editors.

The research is funded by our ULTIMATE Water EU project. Submissions can be made by any external authors, research teams and generally industrial symbiosis clusters that find interest to the Special Issue’s thematics.

See the Special Issue’s description and manuscript submission informationn the following link:


Follow the Entropy MDPI Special Issue. A first article by EVOTROPIA Ecological Finance Architectures containing the most recent result of its joint work with National Technical University of Athens is published – “Resource recovery and the Sherwood Plot” the first of a programmed cycle of publications on the integrated metrics of industrial symbiosis performance.

#CircularEconomy #IndustrialSymbiosis #WaterSmart #WSIS #ResourceRecovery